staying in shape while travelling

Healthy on the Road :: Stay Fit while Traveling

staying fit while travelling It’s all too tempting to put our fitness on hold while traveling, but it doesn’t do you or your trip any favours! Incorporating even just a little fitness into your travel itinerary can elevate your energy level, giving you more stamina for sightseeing or business meetings.

Though your daily routine may be gone, many other elements of travel are actually very conducive to health and fitness. Just think about all the downtime: hours on board a plane, long layovers and slow line-ups to name just a few. As tedious as these circumstances may seem, check out the ideas below for getting your heart pumping at each travel juncture!

At the Airport Airport Walking I’m the first to admit that I savour the idle time that comes with traveling, that magazine and airport lounge are way too appealing; however, a layover is the perfect opportunity to fit in the recommended 30-60 minutes of daily walking. Walk around the terminal and aim to do bouts of at least 10 minutes of continuous brisk walking (you can always return to your magazine in between). Wear a pedometer to motivate you to gather more steps. Aim to gather more on each trip, your goal should be 10,000 steps a day.

Line-ups While your fellow line mates may not appreciate you doing laps around them, a long line-up is great opportunity to do some light stretching.

Find a gym If you’re more inclined towards gyms, prepare in advance and find a gym close to the airport or at an airport hotel so you can work out between flights.

In the Air Move around Sitting still in an airplane for long periods of time can leave you feeling stiff, tired and restless. To avoid this, stretch your legs often and get up to walk whenever possible. If getting out of your seat requires you to climb over 2 people, at least do exercises from your seat: stretch your neck, arms, hips and ankles, roll your shoulders, and stand up at least once an hour.

Practice good posture Sit tall and keep your knees bent at a 90-degree angle---your back will thank you for it!

PS - For those who take long flights or fly frequently, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a potentially life-threatening condition you should take seriously. While often misunderstood to be an “economy class syndrome,” due to the cramped seating, it is more related to time sitting still vs. comfort. To learn more talk to your physician, but remember, movement is the best form of prevention!

{When she's not training clients or being trained by her dog Zuzu, Leah writes Healthy on the Road posts, published on the first Thursday of every month.}

[photo by lululemon]